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Investment Banking Mastery Training
Introduction & Meet Your Trainers
Introduction to Investment Banking & M&A Training (2:41)
Meet Your Mastery Trainers (4:41)
Agenda & Overview of Modules (5:43)
Module 1: Frameworks for Investment Banking Success - From Professionals Plus 6 Case Studies
Top 10 Keys to Becoming a Top Bucket IB Performer - Professional Perspectives (31:57)
Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in IB - Professional Perspectives (23:25)
Deal Case Study #1: $100bn M&A (6:10)
Deal Case Study #2: $3bn IPO (3:03)
Deal Case Study #3: Complex Dual Track Sell-side & Buy-side M&A (3:02)
Deal Case Study #4: $40bn Sell-Side M&A (5:04)
Deal Case Study #5: Growth Equity & M&A (3:06)
Deal Case Study #6: $9.1bn M&A Deal (10:37)
Building the Perfect Analyst & Associate (3:01)
Investment Banking Career Path & Roles (6:29)
Module 2: Investment Banking Job & M&A Deep-Dive
Investment Banking Overview (8:16)
Types of IBD Projects (3:32)
M&A Overview (8:31)
Different Types of M&A Deals (16:31)
M&A Process Overview (6:18)
M&A Phase I - The Pitch (11:26)
M&A Phase II - Pre-Sell-side (13:56)
M&A Phase III - Round 1, Part I (11:20)
M&A Phase III - Round 1, Part II (8:20)
M&A Phase IV - Round 2 (15:58)
M&A Phase V - Sign to Close (8:03)
Buy-side vs Sell-side M&A (3:56)
Timing of M&A Processes (6:47)
Nuances of M&A Transactions (4:46)
Module 3: Financial Modeling Bootcamp - All about Building 3-Statement Operating Models
Financial Modeling Overview (7:43)
Excel Model Intro (1:29)
Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement (9:41)
3-Statement Model - Excel Model Step-by-Step (6:17)
Building the Projection Model (13:32)
Income Statement Projections - Excel Model Step-by-Step (8:48)
Balance Sheet Projections - Excel Model Step-by-Step (6:52)
Cash Flow Statement Projections - Excel Model Step-by-Step (6:56)
Module 4: Investment Banking Valuation Bootcamp
Valuation Overview & Perspectives (12:39)
Relative Valuation - Trading & Transaction Comps (19:23)
Perspectives on Relative Valuation (7:09)
DCF Valuation Overview (2:21)
DCF Step 1 - Cash Flows (5:59)
DCF Step 2 - Discount Rate (10:41)
DCF Step 3 - Terminal Value (3:14)
DCF Step 4 - Valuation (6:02)
Sensitivity Analysis & Data Tables (4:29)
Valuation Methods Pros & Cons (6:18)
Module 5: Investment Banking Merger Modeling Bootcamp
Merger Model Rationale & Overview (5:21)
Overview & Tactics (5:52)
Merger Model Step 1 - Assumptions (11:50)
Merger Model Step 2 - Synergy Assumptions (3:33)
Merger Model Step 3 - Sources & Uses (1:42)
Merger Modeling - Excel Steps 1, 2 & 3 (9:13)
Merger Model Step 4 - Purchase Price Allocation (4:36)
Merger Modeling - Excel Step 4 (3:49)
Merger Model Step 5 - Closing Balance Sheet (1:48)
Merger Modeling - Excel Step 5 (3:46)
Merger Model Step 6 - Accretion & Dilution (2:57)
Merger Modeling - Excel Step 6 (10:19)
Module 6: Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), Capital Markets & Hostile Takeovers
Overview of an IPO Transaction & $3bn IPO Case Study (6:35)
Equity Capital Markets Team (2:43)
Key Deliverables and Workstreams in an IPO (5:52)
All about the IPO: Mechanics, Pricing, Stabilization & Trading (11:24)
All About Hostile Takeovers (10:57)
Module 7: Comprehensive IB Recruiting Bootcamp
Mock Interview with Goldman Sachs Associate (12:42)
What Banks, Bankers & Firms are Looking For (6:16)
Recruiting Principles (3:47)
Approach to Recruiting Process (6:43)
Networking (8:09)
Interview: Fit: Background Questions - What Bankers are Looking For (15:20)
Interview: Fit: Why Finance / IBD Questions - What Bankers are Looking For (15:49)
Interview: Fit: Strengths / Weaknesses - What Bankers are Looking For (14:32)
Interview: Fit: Think on Your Feet Questions - What Bankers are Looking For (2:16)
Interview: Technical Questions - What Bankers are Looking For (12:22)
Private Equity Recruiting Process (7:33)
Advice for Summer Internships (6:26)
Lateral Recruiting guide into IBD (6:49)
Non-Target School Positioning (1:30)
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Recruiting Principles
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